Clearing Money Blocks

Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp- You might have heard of it. If you haven’t, at it’s base, it’s a 6 week intense course on breaking through money blocks (like that having money is a horrible thing), and bringing awareness to where your life just isn’t working. It’s become one of my “secret” tools for gratitude and awareness.Short and sweet, the course is closing and going through a major upgrade itself (and price increase.)

My personal experience with this course has been very enlightening. I’ve manifested pay increases, clients, free plane tickets, free hotels, and I win giveaways all the time. Beyond the initial allure of money, the course goes so much deeper into a healthy, comfortable mindset on life.In 2010, someone- I don’t even remember who- shared a link on Twitter to a free call on romantic relationships and clearing relationship blocks. It was late in the evening, and I clicked over and started listening. Halfway through the call, I purchased her course for $45.I was one of 8 or so people in the course, and I got a free coaching call with Denise Duffield-Thomas for registering. Five years, and I vividly remember that entire call. We found blocks that were affecting every part of my life, not just my relationships.

In 2011, when Denise initially released her book, Lucky Bitch, I read it within hours, and then she released her Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp. For the first round of the bootcamp, I didn’t have the money to buy it (imagine that). So I listened to all of her free webinars (she’s doing another on upgrading your business on July 21st) and soaked up as much as I could from the wings.

Before the second round, I gave money to a fundraiser- which happened to have a raffle attached to it and I *manifested* (won) the Bootcamp. I know there is a saying that people only value what they paid for but I’ve gone through the course at least 6 times. It’s very interesting to me how I have such vivid memories of these moments that changed the course of my business or life, listening to the videos or doing worksheets, and logs. Every month I log my income and values, I find that I make far more money than I’ve realized, and I make more money out of gratitude and awareness. Those takeaways are from the first week of the course only.

Lucky Bitch includes access to Denise’s Facebook group, and I honestly think the group and it’s support in it is worth the entire price of the course. If I’m going on vacation or have to limit my time online, Lucky Bitch is the ONLY reason I get on Facebook.

Personal Affiliate Policy

It’s cliche I guess, but I’m only an affiliate for courses that I deeply love. I get offered review copies, and affiliate promotions for all sorts of products very often, and I normally turn them down. Lucky Bitch is one of the only high-quality courses that I suggest people buy (and follow through on the lessons.) Denise is upgrading her business, with new videos and a new course line. Denise upgraded the videos once before and although at the time, I didn’t think the content would get much better, it way exceeded my expectations and again changed my business, and my perspective on income and money.

Even if you aren’t interested in purchasing the course, I highly suggest you attend her free webinar. I often still listen in to the free calls because I always pick up eagerness from the excitement of the group on the call and new tips where Denise constantly updates her information.

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